Codman Burial Ground

A historic burial ground established in 1847 holds the remains of the neighborhood namesake, Rev. John Codman. Laid out in a "garden-style" design in the shape of angel wings, we have partnered with Second Church of Dorchester on maintenance and improvements to the burying ground.

TNT Community Garden

Designed with 18 raised garden beds in the shape of a sunburst, this community garden was designed by teenagers and adult neighbors to be both an educational and gathering space. Perennial flower beds, raspberry and blueberry bushes, and visual art complement this space. The City of Boston’s Community Preservation Act funded the installation of the water feed in 2019.

Elmhurst Park

Three overgrown vacant lots transformed into a beautiful children’s playspace and gathering spot for the community. During the summer, Family Fun Nights and the Elmhurst Park Program for 5-to-11-year-olds is held here.

Garden of Peace

A corner lot designed and built by Boston Project teenagers features sitting benches, a meandering path, shade, a rain garden, and a bike repair station. Recognized early as a national Sustainable Sites pilot project, this site used recycled construction and plant materials in its development.

Holiday Food Baskets (December)

The holiday season can be a pressing time for families financially. We help respond to the food needs of neighbors by providing food baskets (almost a week’s worth of groceries) for families. Contact us to donate food or funds or if you would like to participate in the assembly or delivery.

Let's Get Healthy (June)

Let’s Get Healthy promotes healthy eating and having an active lifestyle in our community. Food demonstrations, resources, biking and fitness activities, healthcare screenings and more is part of our focus on public health.

Love Your Block (May)

Love Your Block is a spring cleanup for our whole neighborhood! After a long winter, we work together to clean streets and sidewalks, plant gardens, and get Elmhurst Park ready for a busy summer.

Family Fun Nights (July-August)

This cultural and arts-inspired summer series brings live artists and a variety of music and performances to our community. Steel Pan, African Dance, Jazz, Salsa lessons, Paint Night, Jewelry-making, healthy snacks, board games, and more.

Back-to-School Event (August)

We want to help all our neighborhood youth to be prepared for school and academic success. Children and teeangers are invited to come to the “school store” to pick out items they need. Donations of school supplies are welcomed.

Being Thankful for My Community (November)

Being Thankful Day is our fall clean up event focused on preparing our community greenspaces and the yards of our seniors for winter. Raking leaves, cleaning garden beds, judging our annual chili cook-off, is all part of the fun of this day.

Glenna Malkemes

Curriculum & Development Writer, Founding Member

Paulea Mooney-McCoy

Consultant, Can We Talk Codman Square

Maridena Rojas

Community Engagement Manager

Ahnastasia Kielar

Youth Program Manager

Mary Grant

Social Media Coordinator and Young Life Associate

Christian Grant

Youth Program Manager and Young Life Associate

Paul Malkemes

Executive Director, Founding Member

Therapists from New Generations, LLC

Led by Dr. Gayl Swaby, work closely with MHA to provide training and clinical presence as needed.

Mental Health First Aid

Specialized training for our cohort teens equipping them to provide mental health support and intervention for their peers and other youth groups.

Self-Care Practices

Free events throughout the month for teenagers to practice self-care such as yoga, spoken word workshops, art nights, and more.

Real Talk

A monthly youth-led brave space for group conversations about mental health.

Young Life Camp & Retreat

Each year, we take 20-30 teenagers to the Young Life Camp at Lake Champion, NY, a resort-quality retreat center “for the best time of their lives!”

Zo Groups

Zo means “life” in Greek. Weekly small groups of 3-6 teenagers that gather to learn more about Jesus and the Bible.

Real Life

A FUN weekly, large group gathering with food, games, and a short talk about faith.

Brotherhood and Sisterhood Assistant Leaders

Help lead a pre-employment, leadership development program for youth ages 12-14 with a social justice focus.

Elmhurst Park - Assistant Leaders

Want to have FUN with kids leading activities at a Park Drop-In Program? Lead kids activities related to Faith, Fitness, Fine Arts, Friendship and Fun in a park.

Healthy Youth Champions - Mental Health Team

Want to work to promote better mental health in the community? Help increase mental health awareness, remove stigmas, and increase community supports.

Healthy Youth Champion - Physical Health Team

Want to work to promote better physical health in the community? Help Increase healthy lifestyle habits in the community to prevent or reduce obesity and related diseases.

Creative Arts Team

Want to use your creative talents to bring peace and beauty to the community? Use the visual and performing arts as a way to promote justice.

Service and Outreach Coordinator

Oversee the coordination and implementation of service and outreach projects for two program areas; the Summer Missions Program and the Youth and Family Ministries (below).

Healthy Youth Champions Coordinator - Mental Health

Supervise, mentor, and inspire high school age employees who are addressing mental health awareness and teaching self-care habits in our community.

Healthy Youth Champions Coordinator - Physical Health

Supervise, mentor, and inspire high school age employees who are addressing obesity and working to improve healthy lifestyles habits in our community.

Brotherhood Coordinator

Work to develop middle school boys into strong and confident men, empowered to live out the best version of themselves, and inspired as agents of positive change in their community.

Reference Form

Complete the ONLINE Reference Form for any summer positions or DOWNLOAD Reference Form to submit via email. All summer staff applicants need to submit TWO (2) reference forms (Friend or Mentor and a Spiritual Leader).

YFM Application

Complete the ONLINE YFM Application to apply for positions with the Youth and Family Ministries or DOWNLOAD YFM Application to submit via email.

SMP Application

Complete the ONLINE SMP Application to apply for positions with the Summer Missions Program or DOWNLOAD SMP Application to submit via email.

Church Partnerships

We value multi-faceted church partnerships. Come explore with us what a partnership could look like!

Group Volunteering

We host service days for groups of all ages and a Summer Missions Program for youth groups to engage in meaningful work in our neighborhood.

Individual Volunteering

There are 1,001 ways to use your time, talents, and energy to bless our neighborhood - won't you join us?

Community Celebrations

Coming together to celebrate our accomplishments, build new connections, and have fun!

Creative Collaborations

Connecting our neighborhood to local, state, and national resources to achieve neighbor-defined goals.

Neighbor Mobilization

Supporting a vibrant neighbor-led community group to identify and address key issues.

Elmhurst Park Program Coordinators

Participate on a team to lead a daily drop-in park program for children ages 5-11 focused on Faith, Fitness, Fine Arts, Friendship, and FUN!!!

Sisterhood Coordinator

Work to develop middle school girls into strong and confident women, empowered to live out the best version of themselves, and inspired as agents of positive change in their community.

Youth Arts Team Coordinator

Supervise, mentor, and inspire high school age employees who are creating performing and visual art (murals) that is changing our community and engaging younger youth to do the same.

Staff Counselor

Serve with a team loving and discipling teenagers during their 5-day cross-cultural and justice-learning trip to Boston.

Community Garden

A beautiful garden with a sunburst of raised beds, where neighbors grow together.

Codman Burying Ground

A historic cemetery in the heart of our neighborhood gets a face-lift after years of overgrowth.

Garden of Peace

A walk-through corner lot became a passive park with a rain garden, sitting benches, and native plants.


Your gift today will impact a life and a neighborhood for many years to come.


Join us by investing in a young person’s life, a community project, or by sharing your skills.

Community Impact

This is our story about community change created by neighbors and volunteers.


Responsive Design

Responsive web design is a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones)

Jonathan Doe

Web Developer / Pexeto

Aenean vitae metus justo. Duis luctus dui nec condimentum suscipit. Maecenas tempor arcu in ipsum aliquam, vel porttitor odio dictum. Nullam porttitor eget lorem nec imperdiet. Mauris ultricies purus risus, ac viverra risus vulputate nec.

Collaborate with Your Team

Etiam eget lectus nec eros dignissim auctor

Donec et lectus tincidunt, facilisis sem nec, aliquam mauris. Nam dapibus mauris sit amet adipiscing luctus. Morbi convallis, purus eu congue placerat, nunc purus sodales elit, id consectetur magna lacus in augue. Aliquam leo est, convallis quis quam at, dapibus dictum mauris. Nam rhoncus enim massa, non ornare nibh sagittis vitae.

Reasons To Choose This Theme

Ut sit amet blandit arcu. Aenean vestibulum mi quis est ultrices vehicula. Quisque pellentesque augue ante, eget placerat odio adipiscing sed. Nulla adipiscing dapibus adipiscing. Suspendisse purus sapien, luctus pulvinar felis in, condimentum dapibus eros. Sed eget sem fermentum, lobortis massa sed, elementum nisi. Donec adipiscing aliquam nibh, et ultrices nunc pellentesque sed. Quisque pellentesque augue ante, eget placerat odio adipiscing sed Curabitur tristique orci vitae tellus imperdiet lobortis. Aliquam elementum nunc a tempus ultricies. Nam condimentum lacinia tortor, id fringilla elit mattis non. Curabitur tristique orci vitae tellus imperdiet lobortis. Ut sit amet blandit arcu. Aenean vestibulum mi quis est ultrices vehicula. Quisque pellentesque augue ante
  • Codman Burial Ground

    A historic burial ground established in 1847 holds the remains of the neighborhood namesake, Rev. John Codman. Laid out in a "garden-style" design in the shape of angel wings, we have partnered with Second Church of Dorchester on maintenance and improvements to the burying ground.

  • TNT Community Garden

    Designed with 18 raised garden beds in the shape of a sunburst, this community garden was designed by teenagers and adult neighbors to be both an educational and gathering space. Perennial flower beds, raspberry and blueberry bushes, and visual art complement this space. The City of Boston’s Community Preservation Act funded the installation of the water feed in 2019.

  • Elmhurst Park

    Three overgrown vacant lots transformed into a beautiful children’s playspace and gathering spot for the community. During the summer, Family Fun Nights and the Elmhurst Park Program for 5-to-11-year-olds is held here.

  • Garden of Peace

    A corner lot designed and built by Boston Project teenagers features sitting benches, a meandering path, shade, a rain garden, and a bike repair station. Recognized early as a national Sustainable Sites pilot project, this site used recycled construction and plant materials in its development.

  • Holiday Food Baskets (December)

    The holiday season can be a pressing time for families financially. We help respond to the food needs of neighbors by providing food baskets (almost a week’s worth of groceries) for families. Contact us to donate food or funds or if you would like to participate in the assembly or delivery.

  • Let's Get Healthy (June)

    Let’s Get Healthy promotes healthy eating and having an active lifestyle in our community. Food demonstrations, resources, biking and fitness activities, healthcare screenings and more is part of our focus on public health.

  • Love Your Block (May)

    Love Your Block is a spring cleanup for our whole neighborhood! After a long winter, we work together to clean streets and sidewalks, plant gardens, and get Elmhurst Park ready for a busy summer.

  • Family Fun Nights (July-August)

    This cultural and arts-inspired summer series brings live artists and a variety of music and performances to our community. Steel Pan, African Dance, Jazz, Salsa lessons, Paint Night, Jewelry-making, healthy snacks, board games, and more.

  • Back-to-School Event (August)

    We want to help all our neighborhood youth to be prepared for school and academic success. Children and teeangers are invited to come to the “school store” to pick out items they need. Donations of school supplies are welcomed.

  • Being Thankful for My Community (November)

    Being Thankful Day is our fall clean up event focused on preparing our community greenspaces and the yards of our seniors for winter. Raking leaves, cleaning garden beds, judging our annual chili cook-off, is all part of the fun of this day.

  • Glenna Malkemes

    Curriculum & Development Writer, Founding Member

  • Paulea Mooney-McCoy

    Consultant, Can We Talk Codman Square

  • Maridena Rojas

    Community Engagement Manager

  • Ahnastasia Kielar

    Youth Program Manager

  • Mary Grant

    Social Media Coordinator and Young Life Associate

  • Christian Grant

    Youth Program Manager and Young Life Associate

  • Paul Malkemes

    Executive Director, Founding Member

  • Therapists from New Generations, LLC

    Led by Dr. Gayl Swaby, work closely with MHA to provide training and clinical presence as needed.

  • Mental Health First Aid

    Specialized training for our cohort teens equipping them to provide mental health support and intervention for their peers and other youth groups.

  • Self-Care Practices

    Free events throughout the month for teenagers to practice self-care such as yoga, spoken word workshops, art nights, and more.

  • Real Talk

    A monthly youth-led brave space for group conversations about mental health.

  • Young Life Camp & Retreat

    Each year, we take 20-30 teenagers to the Young Life Camp at Lake Champion, NY, a resort-quality retreat center “for the best time of their lives!”

  • Zo Groups

    Zo means “life” in Greek. Weekly small groups of 3-6 teenagers that gather to learn more about Jesus and the Bible.

  • Real Life

    A FUN weekly, large group gathering with food, games, and a short talk about faith.

  • Brotherhood and Sisterhood Assistant Leaders

    Help lead a pre-employment, leadership development program for youth ages 12-14 with a social justice focus.

  • Elmhurst Park - Assistant Leaders

    Want to have FUN with kids leading activities at a Park Drop-In Program? Lead kids activities related to Faith, Fitness, Fine Arts, Friendship and Fun in a park.

  • Healthy Youth Champions - Mental Health Team

    Want to work to promote better mental health in the community? Help increase mental health awareness, remove stigmas, and increase community supports.

  • Healthy Youth Champion - Physical Health Team

    Want to work to promote better physical health in the community? Help Increase healthy lifestyle habits in the community to prevent or reduce obesity and related diseases.

  • Creative Arts Team

    Want to use your creative talents to bring peace and beauty to the community? Use the visual and performing arts as a way to promote justice.

  • Service and Outreach Coordinator

    Oversee the coordination and implementation of service and outreach projects for two program areas; the Summer Missions Program and the Youth and Family Ministries (below).

  • Healthy Youth Champions Coordinator - Mental Health

    Supervise, mentor, and inspire high school age employees who are addressing mental health awareness and teaching self-care habits in our community.

  • Healthy Youth Champions Coordinator - Physical Health

    Supervise, mentor, and inspire high school age employees who are addressing obesity and working to improve healthy lifestyles habits in our community.

  • Brotherhood Coordinator

    Work to develop middle school boys into strong and confident men, empowered to live out the best version of themselves, and inspired as agents of positive change in their community.

  • Reference Form

    Complete the ONLINE Reference Form for any summer positions or DOWNLOAD Reference Form to submit via email. All summer staff applicants need to submit TWO (2) reference forms (Friend or Mentor and a Spiritual Leader).

  • YFM Application

    Complete the ONLINE YFM Application to apply for positions with the Youth and Family Ministries or DOWNLOAD YFM Application to submit via email.

  • SMP Application

    Complete the ONLINE SMP Application to apply for positions with the Summer Missions Program or DOWNLOAD SMP Application to submit via email.

  • Church Partnerships

    We value multi-faceted church partnerships. Come explore with us what a partnership could look like!

  • Group Volunteering

    We host service days for groups of all ages and a Summer Missions Program for youth groups to engage in meaningful work in our neighborhood.

  • Individual Volunteering

    There are 1,001 ways to use your time, talents, and energy to bless our neighborhood - won't you join us?

  • Community Celebrations

    Coming together to celebrate our accomplishments, build new connections, and have fun!

  • Creative Collaborations

    Connecting our neighborhood to local, state, and national resources to achieve neighbor-defined goals.

  • Neighbor Mobilization

    Supporting a vibrant neighbor-led community group to identify and address key issues.

  • Elmhurst Park Program Coordinators

    Participate on a team to lead a daily drop-in park program for children ages 5-11 focused on Faith, Fitness, Fine Arts, Friendship, and FUN!!!

  • Sisterhood Coordinator

    Work to develop middle school girls into strong and confident women, empowered to live out the best version of themselves, and inspired as agents of positive change in their community.

  • Youth Arts Team Coordinator

    Supervise, mentor, and inspire high school age employees who are creating performing and visual art (murals) that is changing our community and engaging younger youth to do the same.

  • Staff Counselor

    Serve with a team loving and discipling teenagers during their 5-day cross-cultural and justice-learning trip to Boston.

  • Community Garden

    A beautiful garden with a sunburst of raised beds, where neighbors grow together.

  • Codman Burying Ground

    A historic cemetery in the heart of our neighborhood gets a face-lift after years of overgrowth.

  • Garden of Peace

    A walk-through corner lot became a passive park with a rain garden, sitting benches, and native plants.

  • Give

    Your gift today will impact a life and a neighborhood for many years to come.

  • Volunteer

    Join us by investing in a young person’s life, a community project, or by sharing your skills.

  • Community Impact

    This is our story about community change created by neighbors and volunteers.

Showcase Your Work

Etiam fringilla condimentum enim, eget pretium erat scelerisque vitae. Integer id luctus turpis, convallis semper ipsum. In fermentum lacus eu justo interdum, dignissim feugiat quam aliquam. Quisque a fermentum diam. Mauris eros libero, consectetur sed tempus eu, vehicula eget sem.

Meet The Team

Nullam ut consectetur dolor. Sed sit amet iaculis nisi. Mauris elementum non felis et blandit. Vestibulum iaculis quam nec diam sagittis cursus. Nunc quis aliquam erat, et eleifend orci

TNT Community Garden

Designed with 18 raised garden beds in the shape of a sunburst, this community garden was designed by teenagers and adult neighbors to be both an educational and gathering space. Perennial flower beds, raspberry and blueberry bushes, and visual art complement this space. The City of Boston’s Community Preservation Act funded the installation of the water feed in 2019.

Elmhurst Park

Three overgrown vacant lots transformed into a beautiful children’s playspace and gathering spot for the community. During the summer, Family Fun Nights and the Elmhurst Park Program for 5-to-11-year-olds is held here.

Garden of Peace

A corner lot designed and built by Boston Project teenagers features sitting benches, a meandering path, shade, a rain garden, and a bike repair station. Recognized early as a national Sustainable Sites pilot project, this site used recycled construction and plant materials in its development.

Holiday Food Baskets (December)

The holiday season can be a pressing time for families financially. We help respond to the food needs of neighbors by providing food baskets (almost a week’s worth of groceries) for families. Contact us to donate food or funds or if you would like to participate in the assembly or delivery.

Let's Get Healthy (June)

Let’s Get Healthy promotes healthy eating and having an active lifestyle in our community. Food demonstrations, resources, biking and fitness activities, healthcare screenings and more is part of our focus on public health.

Love Your Block (May)

Love Your Block is a spring cleanup for our whole neighborhood! After a long winter, we work together to clean streets and sidewalks, plant gardens, and get Elmhurst Park ready for a busy summer.

Family Fun Nights (July-August)

This cultural and arts-inspired summer series brings live artists and a variety of music and performances to our community. Steel Pan, African Dance, Jazz, Salsa lessons, Paint Night, Jewelry-making, healthy snacks, board games, and more.

Back-to-School Event (August)

We want to help all our neighborhood youth to be prepared for school and academic success. Children and teeangers are invited to come to the “school store” to pick out items they need. Donations of school supplies are welcomed.

Being Thankful for My Community (November)

Being Thankful Day is our fall clean up event focused on preparing our community greenspaces and the yards of our seniors for winter. Raking leaves, cleaning garden beds, judging our annual chili cook-off, is all part of the fun of this day.

Glenna Malkemes

Curriculum & Development Writer, Founding Member

Paulea Mooney-McCoy

Consultant, Can We Talk Codman Square

Maridena Rojas

Community Engagement Manager

Ahnastasia Kielar

Youth Program Manager

Mary Grant

Social Media Coordinator and Young Life Associate

Christian Grant

Youth Program Manager and Young Life Associate

Paul Malkemes

Executive Director, Founding Member

Therapists from New Generations, LLC

Led by Dr. Gayl Swaby, work closely with MHA to provide training and clinical presence as needed.

Mental Health First Aid

Specialized training for our cohort teens equipping them to provide mental health support and intervention for their peers and other youth groups.

Self-Care Practices

Free events throughout the month for teenagers to practice self-care such as yoga, spoken word workshops, art nights, and more.

Real Talk

A monthly youth-led brave space for group conversations about mental health.

Young Life Camp & Retreat

Each year, we take 20-30 teenagers to the Young Life Camp at Lake Champion, NY, a resort-quality retreat center “for the best time of their lives!”

Zo Groups

Zo means “life” in Greek. Weekly small groups of 3-6 teenagers that gather to learn more about Jesus and the Bible.

Real Life

A FUN weekly, large group gathering with food, games, and a short talk about faith.

Reference Form

Complete the ONLINE Reference Form for any summer positions or DOWNLOAD Reference Form to submit via email. All summer staff applicants need to submit TWO (2) reference forms (Friend or Mentor and a Spiritual Leader).

YFM Application

Complete the ONLINE YFM Application to apply for positions with the Youth and Family Ministries or DOWNLOAD YFM Application to submit via email.

SMP Application

Complete the ONLINE SMP Application to apply for positions with the Summer Missions Program or DOWNLOAD SMP Application to submit via email.

Community Garden

A beautiful garden with a sunburst of raised beds, where neighbors grow together.

Codman Burying Ground

A historic cemetery in the heart of our neighborhood gets a face-lift after years of overgrowth.

Garden of Peace

A walk-through corner lot became a passive park with a rain garden, sitting benches, and native plants.