Take off with LevelUP Life Coaching

"You Have More Control Than You Think."

In October, Boston Project staff member David Meyerend offered 14-year-old Xavier* an extraordinary invitation:


 “Do you want to fly a plane?”


David got to know Xavier playing football, where Xavier stood out as competitive. The impression grew during a field trip this past summer at Boston Project’s teen job program. Xavier was one of the first to volunteer for a zipline course. “He’s a brave, fearless kid,” David shares. “Xavier doesn’t back down.”  (*Name changed)


True to character, Xavier said YES to flying.


David and Xavier drove together to Norwood Memorial Airfield, where

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Volunteer Recognition: BJ Osuagwu!

“BJ taught me a lot about being a young black man in America, coming from the toughest parts,” shares Jay. “He’s the proof that there is so much knowledge out there for us. We just have to take the time to learn and ask, He’s really intelligent – stocks, taxes, all that stuff. I wasn’t raised to be self-sufficient, but I had to be when I turned 18. I knew I could trust BJ with all that stuff – like adulting. He helped me get myself into a position where I could be more stable in the physical world.”… Read the rest...

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“For me, Genesis chapter 1, the Creation story, is one of the most hopeful pieces of scripture. It is so pure, and there is no mention of evil. Everything is right and good,” reflects muralist Alex Cook. Boston Project youth, neighbors, and volunteers painted our 6th building mural in the community this summer. Each mural is an artistic expression of a biblical theme connected to the idea of Shalom.

Alex continues, “I remember riding my bike through this location years ago on my way to Boston Project and thinking this is one of the most neglected streets I have … Read the rest...

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VIDEO: This Is Our Wish

“Think past the foreseeable sight, past the unforgettable fight into a mindset bringing forth light. That – that’s my with. This is our wish.” Spoken word by Aren Williams


Boston Project staff entered this summer with a heaviness in light of all that was – and is – happening nationally in regards to racial injustice and COVID-19. As a Christian ministry, we are motivated by God’s desire for justice. Christian Grant, our youth minister reflects, “From the Psalms to the Prophets to the New Testament, you see the recurring theme of God’s righteousness and justice. When Jesus dealt with Read the rest...

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Why I Volunteer: An Interview with Nalida Besson

An Interview with Nalida Besson, Neighbor Health and Wellness Educator (pictured, left)


Q: How have you grown or changed through volunteering with The Boston Project (BPM) and Talbot-Norfolk Triangle Neighbors United (TNT)?


Nalida: Through volunteering with BPM and TNT, I have grown to appreciate my neighborhood and community even more. I feel more connected to my neighbors. As a health and wellness educator, I have volunteered to do cooking demonstrations for the Healthy Community Days at Elmhurst Park and have had the chance to talk to many neighbors who were pleasantly surprised that “healthy” food could be easy to Read the rest...

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VIDEO: The Hill We Climb

Last night our teen Mental Health Ambassadors watched again and were moved by the inaugural poem “The Hill We Climb” by the 22-year-old National Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman. At this moment in history, we see “light in this never-ending shade.” There is hope amidst the sometimes overwhelming work still to be done. 


In this context, our young people discussed the overlap and the gaps between the realms of politics, justice, and mental health. As we work to create just systems, young people understand that one’s own mental well-being is vital. History, media-bias, and the sheer weight of our Read the rest...

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Life Coaching: A Relationship Bigger Than A Program

When asked to describe his Life Coach, Collin smiles and quickly responds “He’s more of a friend than someone who’s just there to tell you something. Someone you can actually talk to. He gets me, he gets where I come from. In just a couple of months, teen Collin, and his coach David formed a remarkable relationship. David tells us “I told him I am not his coach because of the program, but because I care for him. We have always made our relationship bigger than the program.” 


Though COVID-19 affected their ability to meet in person, the two Read the rest...

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I’m so much more full of peace now

PJ entered the Boston Project backyard ready to make friends and learn, but was reserved and self conscious about talking in the group.  Besides the challenge of adjusting to a summer of COVID restrictions, she was upfront about working to get on the right path after hanging out with the wrong crowd.


PJ and The Mental Health Ambassadors team of six quickly grew close. Together, they worked to decrease the stigma, educate their peers and community, and create innovative spaces for self care and healing. PJ reflects how much it mattered. “Everyone on our team struggled with mental health Read the rest...

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From a Moment to a Movement

Monday, May 25 was a heart-breaking moment. “When I saw the video of George Floyd, it tore me up inside. It broke my soul to see that happen to a black man,” shared one of our teenagers, who is African-American. “This should not be happening in our time.” Another young person expressed, “My outrage started before when 12-year-old Tamir Rice was shot because of a toy gun.” A friend added, “It really does suck, but it some ways it feels normal. Change is not going to be fast, it’s been 500 years* for us already.”


Boston Project staff entered Read the rest...

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