Volunteer Recognition: BJ Osuagwu!
“BJ taught me a lot about being a young black man in America, coming from the toughest parts,” shares Jay. “He’s the proof that there is so much knowledge out there for us. We just have to take the time to learn and ask, He’s really intelligent – stocks, taxes, all that stuff. I wasn’t raised to be self-sufficient, but I had to be when I turned 18. I knew I could trust BJ with all that stuff – like adulting. He helped me get myself into a position where I could be more stable in the physical world.”
BJ shares, “I do it for the kids. It is what I wanted growing up, and if I don’t do it, who will? Young people need consistency and we have the ability to provide that and change lives.” BJ first came to Boston Project during summer 2017 as the Coordinator of our summer Brotherhood program. “I was young, gifted, but a slightly immature young man at the time,” reflects BJ. That summer began a beautiful,
transformational partnership between BJ and the Boston Project. Like many, BJ found a sense of belonging and family, and as he often says, “Boston Project changed the entire trajectory of my life.”
How has BJ volunteered with Boston Project Ministries? He mentors young people informally and as a LevelUP Life Coach. He joins service days and has brought his friends from Gordon College. He DJs at community events and supports our weekly Young Life meetings. BJ is always willing to sacrifice his time, energy, and more often than not his wallet to support our community.
Young Life Area Director Christian Grant, who has worked with BJ for the past 5 years says, “BJ is a man of his word; if he says he’s gonna do it then he’s gonna do it and do it with excellence.” Reliable. Consistent. Sacrificial. These words sum up BJ and we are a better organization because of BJ and volunteers like him. Thank You, BJ!
To Volunteer – contact David at davidm@tbpm.org