• Building Blocks for our Community

    Leadership Development

    A strong community is one where neighbors young and old are empowered to lead and make decisions for their own future. Today, over 40 neighbors are involved in leadership positions.

    Youth in Leadership
  • Making our Neighborhood Beautiful

    Community Beautification

    Neighbors and volunteers work together to improve the community corner-by-corner to be the place where we all want to live, work, worship, and play. New gardens, parks, benches, and flowers are popping up everywhere.

    See Examples
  • Youth Retreats out of the Community

    Spiritual Growth

    We partner with local churches to offer neighbors Bible studies, Gospel events, and spiritual retreats with staff and volunteers who love and follow Jesus.

    Read More
  • Neighbors Connecting with Neighbors

    Organizing Communities

    We value spending time hanging out on a neighbor’s front porch or at the community garden getting to know one another. Building trust, friendship, and creating a shared vision for the neighborhood is key to our future.

    Read More
  • So much more than just peace

    God’s Shalom

    It’s the big picture vision for our community; one filled with secure streets, healthy relationships, and a thriving local economy. A place where neighbors share meals together, children laugh and play freely, and the elderly are honored. God’s peace is fully known here and experienced by all.

    Our Mission

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